Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Goriest episode of LOST ever?

I can't think of one that was worse. First, we see an arm get ripped off, and then see the same arm decayed several years in the future. That wasn't nearly as bad as seeing Locke's bone sticking out of his leg. How did that get past the censors? What if my kids were watching this show?


  1. Don't forget the gory nosebleeds. I know why they have nosebleeds all the time. I have a theory that the Dharma Initiative was placed on the island to heal chronic nose pickers? If people got their fingers out of their noses, they wouldn't bleed as much. Agree/Disagree? Please discuss.

  2. That was his bone?! oh I'm officially grossed out.

  3. Cofflet, do you know how babies are made?

  4. I hope we don't have to see more protruding bones....I'm not a fan.
