Thursday, February 19, 2009

(SPOILERS) If you don't like Promo talk

Wasn't sure if people here mind talking about the Promo's.

ok, so Coffelt got me thinking (among other things)

So based off of the Promos, Locke is alive on the Island again after returning... does this mean that someone who has been on the Island before who dies off of the Island revert back to living as soon as they come back? Kinda like when you die in Braid (wonderful game btw) and you press the rewind button to do it again.


1. Live off the Island
2. Go to the Island
3. Get off the Island
4. Die
5. Get taken back to the Island
6. Go back in Time in a sense and go back to living

Conclusion: Going back to the Island brought Locke back to life

There's also an apparent mirroring of Locke/Christian of course. The whole proxy deal for instance.

(Side note: Backgammon coming into play again, Christian had Jacks white shoes, Locke has Christians Black shoes... WHITE AND BLACK, ZOMG!!!)

This may be a little out there, but let me know what you think. The Oceanic flight crashed, and Christian woke up, wondering where he was, but alive; when just a little bit ago he was dead. He wanders about for a little while and eventually happens upon the Cabin and Jacob or the black smoke, or the temple.

Yeah yeah, there are a ton of holes in that, but it would explain why there was no body in Christians coffin. Where we were originally led to believe he was never in it or his body was taken; it's actually because he walked away from it, living.

1 comment:

  1. I like where you are going with this... One thing I would add is the possibility that when the Island brings you back to life, you then owe your life to the Island. That is to say, because the Island brought Christian back to life, he is now serving the Island and when Locke is resurrected he will have to do the Island's bidding (not that he wouldn't already).
