Monday, May 25, 2009
It is way past due...
I really need to put together a post on my thoughts of the final episode as well as the season as a whole. I only had a full week of sitting on the couch with four less wisdom teeth to accomplish this. Well I didn't. But it should be coming soon. Should be.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
I May Have Something Here...
In light of the season 5 finale, I think I have figured out the basic storyline LOST is trying to follow. While I'm not sure of details, I think that LOST is following the Biblical story:
If you take the time to read this short article, I think that Jacob's enemy represents Esau, his brother. I think this more because right before Ben kills Jacob, he complains about never getting to even see him. Then he talks about Locke and something along the lines of: "When he [Locke] want's to see you, he gets taken up here as if he were Moses himself."
And so...I predict Season 6 opens up with Jacob being born by his mother, Rebekah. Any thoughts/comments anyone???
In light of the season 5 finale, I think I have figured out the basic storyline LOST is trying to follow. While I'm not sure of details, I think that LOST is following the Biblical story:
If you take the time to read this short article, I think that Jacob's enemy represents Esau, his brother. I think this more because right before Ben kills Jacob, he complains about never getting to even see him. Then he talks about Locke and something along the lines of: "When he [Locke] want's to see you, he gets taken up here as if he were Moses himself."
And so...I predict Season 6 opens up with Jacob being born by his mother, Rebekah. Any thoughts/comments anyone???
Sunday, April 12, 2009
ZOMG!!!! Figured it out
The Island is a Stargate!
All this time travel stuff and now egyptian heiroglyphics, it all makes sense!
but, on a serious, non-Kurt Russell note...
Which do you think came first, the Egyptians or the Island?
Or, do you think the people from the Island influenced the culture of Egypt, or do you think that Egyptians somehow landed on the Island to create the heiroglyphics?
All this time travel stuff and now egyptian heiroglyphics, it all makes sense!
but, on a serious, non-Kurt Russell note...
Which do you think came first, the Egyptians or the Island?
Or, do you think the people from the Island influenced the culture of Egypt, or do you think that Egyptians somehow landed on the Island to create the heiroglyphics?
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Smoke Monster Vent

Okay, so I was just taking another look at previous episodes (which we all know I needed to do), and I came across something pretty interesing. It's not a huge thing, but I didn't want to forget about it. So in the first episode of season 5, the Dharma folk were working on construction underground. This is the spot where we saw the Asian guy from the videos and Miles. They didn't make a big deal about it, but they definitely showed and focused on the vent holes (exactly like what we saw in Season 5 Episode 12 (Dead Is Dead). This is the square with like 30 holes or so. I thought it was pretty interesting and may raise some questions...
Maybe this is just the guy who is uneducated on LOST speaking, but could this be the same vent that Ben went to? Did they purpously make these vents for the Black smoke monster (or some other reason)? Or perhaps these vents were just always there?
During this scene as well, they talk about so much energy being released that they could use it for time travel if they drill any further? After the Asian guy leaves, Miles stands just staring into the holes that the guy was drilling.
Anywho, just doing my necessary LOST homework and trying to spark some ideas and see if anyone can shoot this down or build on it. I recommend re-watching Season 5, episode 1 (Because You Left).
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
He will never be the same
So tonight sealed up some recent mysteries that involved our lady Kate.
First off there was the issue of what Sawyer asked her to do before he jumped out of the
chopper. I always had a feeling it had something to do with his kid but seeing as I never mentioned it you could all think I am lying. Either way this did end up being the case and we learned that Kate did not keep 'the lie' to herself and she went off blabbing to everyone. I guess this was a solid answer about what Sawyer wanted but there isn't much to it. I guess this could come into play later just because she did know the secret.
We also found out what happened to Aaron. When she lost him in the store we were all rather upset at the possibility that this was the reason Aaron was gone. Then when she brought Aaron to his Grand-mammy it made a lot of sense save for one thing, why? Why is she really going back to the Island? Is she honestly going to look for Claire? Was she just done with Aaron and wanting to escape? Idunno.
I really liked the conversation that took place between Miles and Hurley during the house arrest. The whole Back to the Future thing was hilarious and they really had a flat out explanation of how the time travel stuff was working (you know for people who don't dedicate their lives to this kind of stuff). I thought for a minute that it was all going to be for show when Hugo pointed out the fact that Ben never realized that Sayid was the guy who shot him as a kid. But as we saw at the end of the episode what happens to little Ben in the Temple will cause him to forget what happened.
So the cool thing that we all picked up on at the watch party was that Jack's decision not to help little Ben, in an attempt to prevent the big evil Ben, actually resulted in the course of events that made Ben the way he is. It's in a way, Jack's fault.
Finally I have to say that I am super excited to see next week's episode. It is clearly going to be Ben centric and we should get a great look at the Temple and some of the mythology of the Island. Also I like that we will get to see some of what happens when Ben gets a beat down at the docks. I can't wait.
First off there was the issue of what Sawyer asked her to do before he jumped out of the
chopper. I always had a feeling it had something to do with his kid but seeing as I never mentioned it you could all think I am lying. Either way this did end up being the case and we learned that Kate did not keep 'the lie' to herself and she went off blabbing to everyone. I guess this was a solid answer about what Sawyer wanted but there isn't much to it. I guess this could come into play later just because she did know the secret.
We also found out what happened to Aaron. When she lost him in the store we were all rather upset at the possibility that this was the reason Aaron was gone. Then when she brought Aaron to his Grand-mammy it made a lot of sense save for one thing, why? Why is she really going back to the Island? Is she honestly going to look for Claire? Was she just done with Aaron and wanting to escape? Idunno.
I really liked the conversation that took place between Miles and Hurley during the house arrest. The whole Back to the Future thing was hilarious and they really had a flat out explanation of how the time travel stuff was working (you know for people who don't dedicate their lives to this kind of stuff). I thought for a minute that it was all going to be for show when Hugo pointed out the fact that Ben never realized that Sayid was the guy who shot him as a kid. But as we saw at the end of the episode what happens to little Ben in the Temple will cause him to forget what happened.
So the cool thing that we all picked up on at the watch party was that Jack's decision not to help little Ben, in an attempt to prevent the big evil Ben, actually resulted in the course of events that made Ben the way he is. It's in a way, Jack's fault.
Finally I have to say that I am super excited to see next week's episode. It is clearly going to be Ben centric and we should get a great look at the Temple and some of the mythology of the Island. Also I like that we will get to see some of what happens when Ben gets a beat down at the docks. I can't wait.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
The Biggest Cliff-hanger Ever?
We all know what I'm talking about. Sayid and Ben. Here's questions and my thoughts on it:
Is Ben Dead? I think he's dead like Locke and Christian are dead. Not 100% sure the shot was "fatal" but I don't think he's gone gone.
Did Sayid prove Faraday wrong and change history? Again can't say anything for sure. If Ben is really dead, then could that explain the state of DHARMA-ville when Sun goes there? Is this why Ben is still knocked out of it in the future (as in the past changed so at the point Sayid shot him, time was changed and he dropped in the future).
What the heck is Sayid going to do now? Is he going to go chill with the Hostiles? Him being there could explain why they left the SWAN alone.
I'm sure there are more that I'm missing. Thought I'd throw something out there to get some talking going....this was by far one of my favorites of this season.
Is Ben Dead? I think he's dead like Locke and Christian are dead. Not 100% sure the shot was "fatal" but I don't think he's gone gone.
Did Sayid prove Faraday wrong and change history? Again can't say anything for sure. If Ben is really dead, then could that explain the state of DHARMA-ville when Sun goes there? Is this why Ben is still knocked out of it in the future (as in the past changed so at the point Sayid shot him, time was changed and he dropped in the future).
What the heck is Sayid going to do now? Is he going to go chill with the Hostiles? Him being there could explain why they left the SWAN alone.
I'm sure there are more that I'm missing. Thought I'd throw something out there to get some talking going....this was by far one of my favorites of this season.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Christian!!! (and lesser note, tonights episode)
As per Ryans suggestion
Christian is like American Express, he's everywhere you want to be
2 of us think that this weeks episode was a let down, anyone else?
We met Radinsky, we met baby Ethan and childhood Ben... but no other big reveals.
Although, where is Daniel? Supposedly he's not around anymore. Death, time travel or maybe working a secret time travel project with Dharma?
And where the hell is Desmond?
Christian is like American Express, he's everywhere you want to be
2 of us think that this weeks episode was a let down, anyone else?
We met Radinsky, we met baby Ethan and childhood Ben... but no other big reveals.
Although, where is Daniel? Supposedly he's not around anymore. Death, time travel or maybe working a secret time travel project with Dharma?
And where the hell is Desmond?
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Interesting New Theory
Saw a little smidge of this and have expanded on it a lot. What if while we are all looking to the past for answers everything we want to know is in the future...
Here's the part I actually read: What if Richard and his people are actually from the future. Their 'time vessel' is disguised as an island so it doesn't stick out like a sore thumb in the past. Somehow it breaks down and everything Richard is doing is to fix it at some point and get home.
Expanded thoughts: I kinda like this one. Smokey could be some sort of futuristic device that they have used to make sure Richards plan happens. It could also explain why Richard isn't necessarily 'in charge'. He gets someone from the time era they are in to be his liaison to the outside world and not to Jacob as we previously thought. Could also play into this never aging thing...maybe when time shifting on the island, you don't age until you catch up to your original time period (total guess there but who knows).
Again, this doesn't explain everything and I'm sure its full of holes. Just thought I'd throw it out there for you guys.
Here's the part I actually read: What if Richard and his people are actually from the future. Their 'time vessel' is disguised as an island so it doesn't stick out like a sore thumb in the past. Somehow it breaks down and everything Richard is doing is to fix it at some point and get home.
Expanded thoughts: I kinda like this one. Smokey could be some sort of futuristic device that they have used to make sure Richards plan happens. It could also explain why Richard isn't necessarily 'in charge'. He gets someone from the time era they are in to be his liaison to the outside world and not to Jacob as we previously thought. Could also play into this never aging thing...maybe when time shifting on the island, you don't age until you catch up to your original time period (total guess there but who knows).
Again, this doesn't explain everything and I'm sure its full of holes. Just thought I'd throw it out there for you guys.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Something on my mind.
It is almost 3 A.M., so I'm going to keep this short. Do you think Juliet is the kind of girl that does do Taco night?
Monday, March 9, 2009
Jeremy Bentham
I'm sure we can find other sources that have brought this up, but Jeremy Bentham was a philosopher who lived 1748-1832. He was a believer in Utilitarianism.
"Utilitarianism is the idea that the moral worth of an action is determined solely by its contribution to overall utility"
aka "the ends justify the means"
This is more for trivia than anything else. I'm reading Richard Dawkins and he mentioned Jeremy Bentham.
It's interesting how they choose the names for these folks. The fact that there is a Lost: Philosophy book in paperback at your local bookstore is probably evidence enough for that.
"Utilitarianism is the idea that the moral worth of an action is determined solely by its contribution to overall utility"
aka "the ends justify the means"
This is more for trivia than anything else. I'm reading Richard Dawkins and he mentioned Jeremy Bentham.
It's interesting how they choose the names for these folks. The fact that there is a Lost: Philosophy book in paperback at your local bookstore is probably evidence enough for that.
I thought this was badass....
Having nothing to do with plot...
I just found out recently that one of my friends from High School is best friends with Maggie Grace!
How cool (and random) is that?
I miss California for things like that... haha... anyhow, moving on
I just found out recently that one of my friends from High School is best friends with Maggie Grace!
How cool (and random) is that?
I miss California for things like that... haha... anyhow, moving on
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Egyptian afterlife
Here are some interesting facts about Egyptian afterlife:
It was believed that in death, as in life, man was in constant need of his faithful companion, the dog.(Vincent)
Anubis would protect the dead. The statue looks like a combination of Anubis and Thawaret. Thawaret is the Godess of fertility. It was common for Egyptian dieties to be combined with each other over time. I think that it is completely believable that the people on the island could have combined these too. I also would be suprised if the statue is Ra.
It was believed that in death, as in life, man was in constant need of his faithful companion, the dog.(Vincent)
Anubis would protect the dead. The statue looks like a combination of Anubis and Thawaret. Thawaret is the Godess of fertility. It was common for Egyptian dieties to be combined with each other over time. I think that it is completely believable that the people on the island could have combined these too. I also would be suprised if the statue is Ra.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Could this be the 4-toed statue?
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Time Travel/Hatch Theory
So a few of us have been batting around some ideas, and I have been lazy and never posted them. So it goes like this. When the Hatch/Swan Station blew it knocked the island off of the time line by a small almost unnoticeable amount. Evidence being, when it blew the sky turned color and there was a humming noise similar to it. Now that in and of itself isn't enough but also remember the doctor who washed up dead before he was dead, and Daniel's payload was late to arrive, but it wasn't off enough to change things like the camp on the beach being built. Either the Swan was a station to move the island, or one to keep the island locked in place. It might have been a "two-key" system, like how a nuclear sub needs two keys to launch a nuke. This part is all speculation but I think that the swan needed to difuse the energy required to move the island if they needed to move the island they would not difuse the energy and then go to the Orchid Station and move the island.
This is not all my theory this is an effort of myself, Travis and Ford. Ford was actually the one who had the "lightbulb" moment that brought everything all together.
This is not all my theory this is an effort of myself, Travis and Ford. Ford was actually the one who had the "lightbulb" moment that brought everything all together.
In response to Aaron over on the sidebar there: I didn't read the IGN article, but I was talking to someone (Bob maybe?) about Faraday's father.
Personally, the evidence we have right now, my guess is that Widmore is definitely his Dad.
My biggest argument for this is the girl who Faraday messed up with time travel who is now laying partially comatose. Widmore is paying for all of her medical treatments after Faraday screwed her up.
We're led to believe that he's paying for her medical care because he was trying to get Faraday's research (presumably to get back to the Island) but there may be the double meaning of Daddy taking care of his sons' mistakes.
Yeah yeah, we all know Widdy wants to find the Island but he's also shown that he cares about his Childrens well-being (albeit a bit misguided sometimes).
Plus it's only right to assume that Daniel has a Dad, and whoever that Dad is had some form of relationship to Hawking, who we're all pretty sure was on the Island.
The only other thing I can think of is that Daniel is his own father, and he banged the hell out of his mom, Oedipus in Time =)
Personally, the evidence we have right now, my guess is that Widmore is definitely his Dad.
My biggest argument for this is the girl who Faraday messed up with time travel who is now laying partially comatose. Widmore is paying for all of her medical treatments after Faraday screwed her up.
We're led to believe that he's paying for her medical care because he was trying to get Faraday's research (presumably to get back to the Island) but there may be the double meaning of Daddy taking care of his sons' mistakes.
Yeah yeah, we all know Widdy wants to find the Island but he's also shown that he cares about his Childrens well-being (albeit a bit misguided sometimes).
Plus it's only right to assume that Daniel has a Dad, and whoever that Dad is had some form of relationship to Hawking, who we're all pretty sure was on the Island.
The only other thing I can think of is that Daniel is his own father, and he banged the hell out of his mom, Oedipus in Time =)
Thursday, February 19, 2009
The Numbers
I have a theory. We now know that the island moves through space/time at specific intervals that can be predicted using chalkboards and equations and a giant pendulam. Now the first time that Dharma sent a team/person to where they believed the island would be they would have no way of confirming or denying the people were there. Therefore the original Dharma crew transmitted the numbers from the radio tower, that Russou changed, to confirm they were successful because just transmitting "We made it" is a little to obvious. I may be wrong about the reason why they are transmitting the numbers but i think they tie into the equations to find the island.
The O6's Return
Different post = different topic
I can't take full credit for this idea behind this post (Lostpedia forums), but it's likely we'll have more character centric episodes for at least a few episodes. The ones we've had lately are loosely character centric.
Here they are (and a theory or two)
Hurley flashback - Who told Hurley to get on the plane? He has a guitar with him, an obvious nod to Charlie. I think it's the images of the dead survivors (oxymoron, woot) that tell him to go. We know he's seen Mr. Eko, Ana Lucia and Charlie. haha, maybe they have a ghost intervention. He reserved 7 extra seats too, right? Who else died, Libby makes 4. Boone and Shannon is 6 and... oh yeah, Michael. So maybe he reserved the seats for them, ooooo weeeee ooooo!
Kate flashback - What happened to Aaron? More importantly what happened to him that made her want to have sex with Jack? Even more importantly what needs to happen to her for her to have sex with me? Don't have any theories about her really, mostly cause I don't REALLY care about her, haha.
Ben Flashback - Who's ass did he kill? I think we may be led to believe that he killed Penny... and if not, think about it... he needs to kill Penny, he's down at the docks... which house boats... which is what Penny and Desmond float around on. He can't kill her from on the Island and he went to fulfill a promise to an "old friend".
Sayid Flashback - Chelsea pointed this out to me, looks like they needed someone on Ajira who was in custody (see: Kate). Other than that, why is he in custody? And of all things, custody heading to Guam? Did he kick one too many asses?
Frank flashback?- He's so much cooler with the scraggly beards n' shit. I hope when he goes back to the Island he doesn't look like an older version of Job playing Virtual Reality games with Pierce Brosnan. But the pilots did both die, Matt Parkman by the Smoke monster. Other than that, we don't REALLY need a Frank flashback. It's like having a Nikki and Paulo episo.... oh, shit. I hope Frank isn't brutally killed off.
That random other guy flashback (the dude from Vantage Point) - what's he doing there?
Locke Flashback - See: Next weeks episode.
So those are my thoughts, feel free to pipe in with any of your own
I can't take full credit for this idea behind this post (Lostpedia forums), but it's likely we'll have more character centric episodes for at least a few episodes. The ones we've had lately are loosely character centric.
Here they are (and a theory or two)
Hurley flashback - Who told Hurley to get on the plane? He has a guitar with him, an obvious nod to Charlie. I think it's the images of the dead survivors (oxymoron, woot) that tell him to go. We know he's seen Mr. Eko, Ana Lucia and Charlie. haha, maybe they have a ghost intervention. He reserved 7 extra seats too, right? Who else died, Libby makes 4. Boone and Shannon is 6 and... oh yeah, Michael. So maybe he reserved the seats for them, ooooo weeeee ooooo!
Kate flashback - What happened to Aaron? More importantly what happened to him that made her want to have sex with Jack? Even more importantly what needs to happen to her for her to have sex with me? Don't have any theories about her really, mostly cause I don't REALLY care about her, haha.
Ben Flashback - Who's ass did he kill? I think we may be led to believe that he killed Penny... and if not, think about it... he needs to kill Penny, he's down at the docks... which house boats... which is what Penny and Desmond float around on. He can't kill her from on the Island and he went to fulfill a promise to an "old friend".
Sayid Flashback - Chelsea pointed this out to me, looks like they needed someone on Ajira who was in custody (see: Kate). Other than that, why is he in custody? And of all things, custody heading to Guam? Did he kick one too many asses?
Frank flashback?- He's so much cooler with the scraggly beards n' shit. I hope when he goes back to the Island he doesn't look like an older version of Job playing Virtual Reality games with Pierce Brosnan. But the pilots did both die, Matt Parkman by the Smoke monster. Other than that, we don't REALLY need a Frank flashback. It's like having a Nikki and Paulo episo.... oh, shit. I hope Frank isn't brutally killed off.
That random other guy flashback (the dude from Vantage Point) - what's he doing there?
Locke Flashback - See: Next weeks episode.
So those are my thoughts, feel free to pipe in with any of your own
(SPOILERS) If you don't like Promo talk
Wasn't sure if people here mind talking about the Promo's.
ok, so Coffelt got me thinking (among other things)
So based off of the Promos, Locke is alive on the Island again after returning... does this mean that someone who has been on the Island before who dies off of the Island revert back to living as soon as they come back? Kinda like when you die in Braid (wonderful game btw) and you press the rewind button to do it again.
1. Live off the Island
2. Go to the Island
3. Get off the Island
4. Die
5. Get taken back to the Island
6. Go back in Time in a sense and go back to living
Conclusion: Going back to the Island brought Locke back to life
There's also an apparent mirroring of Locke/Christian of course. The whole proxy deal for instance.
(Side note: Backgammon coming into play again, Christian had Jacks white shoes, Locke has Christians Black shoes... WHITE AND BLACK, ZOMG!!!)
This may be a little out there, but let me know what you think. The Oceanic flight crashed, and Christian woke up, wondering where he was, but alive; when just a little bit ago he was dead. He wanders about for a little while and eventually happens upon the Cabin and Jacob or the black smoke, or the temple.
Yeah yeah, there are a ton of holes in that, but it would explain why there was no body in Christians coffin. Where we were originally led to believe he was never in it or his body was taken; it's actually because he walked away from it, living.
ok, so Coffelt got me thinking (among other things)
So based off of the Promos, Locke is alive on the Island again after returning... does this mean that someone who has been on the Island before who dies off of the Island revert back to living as soon as they come back? Kinda like when you die in Braid (wonderful game btw) and you press the rewind button to do it again.
1. Live off the Island
2. Go to the Island
3. Get off the Island
4. Die
5. Get taken back to the Island
6. Go back in Time in a sense and go back to living
Conclusion: Going back to the Island brought Locke back to life
There's also an apparent mirroring of Locke/Christian of course. The whole proxy deal for instance.
(Side note: Backgammon coming into play again, Christian had Jacks white shoes, Locke has Christians Black shoes... WHITE AND BLACK, ZOMG!!!)
This may be a little out there, but let me know what you think. The Oceanic flight crashed, and Christian woke up, wondering where he was, but alive; when just a little bit ago he was dead. He wanders about for a little while and eventually happens upon the Cabin and Jacob or the black smoke, or the temple.
Yeah yeah, there are a ton of holes in that, but it would explain why there was no body in Christians coffin. Where we were originally led to believe he was never in it or his body was taken; it's actually because he walked away from it, living.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Just some food for thought.
In the promo for next week they show Locke's foot for a second. In that shot, he only has 4 toes.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Official LOST Podcast
For any of you podcast listeners here is the link to the podcast with the show's executive producers (Damon and Carlton). I thought this week's was good and it has me even more excited for next week.
LOST Podcast
LOST Podcast
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Goriest episode of LOST ever?
I can't think of one that was worse. First, we see an arm get ripped off, and then see the same arm decayed several years in the future. That wasn't nearly as bad as seeing Locke's bone sticking out of his leg. How did that get past the censors? What if my kids were watching this show?
Post Show Discussion
Post Show discussion from the watch party
From right to left:
From right to left:
This Place is Death quick hits
Much better than last weeks episode. Confirmation of all of our suspicions that Dr Hawking is Daniel's mother. I believe we've seen the end of time travel. They don't need all of them to go back, or do they? The preview for next week looks incredible. Daniel told Charlotte not to go back, so maybe time travel is not dead or maybe the time slip stopped not at the current time.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Maybe I'm Alone
I think last weeks episode was a stinker. There were two revelations, Russoue and Jin. That was it, nothing effecting the storyline. I know the enivitible, it was a set-up episode, but it felt like season 3 wrapped up in an episode, the wheels were just spinning for this episode.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
New Theory
I'm going to start off by saying that I didn't come up with this. However, none of us have even mentioned it and it could be something to think about (credit goes to a couple of writers at
Could the sickness Rousseau was referring to be the "time sickness" that Charlotte/Minkowski/various other people have exhibited? For that matter, would that mean she or her team got caught up in the time warps?
I personally don't think she or her team get caught up in the time warps. However, if the sickness is the same thing, I'm thinking she just saw someone exhibiting the symptoms and freaked out. Maybe instead of blowing someone else's mind with the time travel statement, Faraday just tells her that it is some sort of disease and she goes nuts and kills her team.
Looking back at some of the older episodes, she says that [she thinks] the Other's are the carriers of the disease and that they have a cure. Could the cure possibly be something to stop the "time sickness" in some way (Claire did get injected right....forget but that may have some play)? And again, are the original Others (or Hostiles) be immuned to this and thats why Alpert has lived for so long?
So....any thoughts about this? Possible but not likely? Or nothing at all/doesn't really mean all that much to the show either way? Again, I was kind of paraphrasing what all they said (article here: ) .
Could the sickness Rousseau was referring to be the "time sickness" that Charlotte/Minkowski/various other people have exhibited? For that matter, would that mean she or her team got caught up in the time warps?
I personally don't think she or her team get caught up in the time warps. However, if the sickness is the same thing, I'm thinking she just saw someone exhibiting the symptoms and freaked out. Maybe instead of blowing someone else's mind with the time travel statement, Faraday just tells her that it is some sort of disease and she goes nuts and kills her team.
Looking back at some of the older episodes, she says that [she thinks] the Other's are the carriers of the disease and that they have a cure. Could the cure possibly be something to stop the "time sickness" in some way (Claire did get injected right....forget but that may have some play)? And again, are the original Others (or Hostiles) be immuned to this and thats why Alpert has lived for so long?
So....any thoughts about this? Possible but not likely? Or nothing at all/doesn't really mean all that much to the show either way? Again, I was kind of paraphrasing what all they said (article here: ) .
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Some Quick Initial Thoughts On S. 5 E. 4, "The Little Prince"
-This was probably my favorite or second favorite episode of the season so far. A lot of new information and we found out Jin is alive. Plus, we finally get to see some back story on Rousseau.
-How did Jin flash through time, but the freighter he was on did not? Could it be that because the freighter was man made it stayed behind? Why didn't the debris he was floating on stay back too? Was it because he was touching the debris? Is that why the guns from the past transferred too? Carlton, Damon, are you reading this?
-It was pretty obvious that Ben would be the one who hired the attorney. He has the best motive for doing so. I was shocked when Claire's mom opened the door to that hotel room, but that whole scene was put in there just to throw people off, I guess.
-Who did the guy that attacked Sayid work for? Probably Widmore, but we still have no proof that Widmore is trying to harm or capture the Oceanic Six. He may have had Sayid's wife killed, but we don't know why. Could there be a third faction involved? My feeling is that there is. Could this be why Sayid stopped working for Ben? Maybe he found out that the people he was killing had nothing to do with his wife's death.
-The boats that we see in the future are how the Oceanic Six and friends come back to the island. They fly back on Ajira Airlines and either crash near the island or do some sort of water landing. Why do they have two boats? Well, the plane probably had some crew members on it and possibly some other people. And you also have Ben and the Oceanic Six. Yes, I think Ben comes back to the island with the Oceanic Six. It would be a waste of his character if he didn't. Who was shooting at them? I don't know. I'll think about it.
-Miles is the baby that Dr. Chang is holding in the premiere. I did not like this theory at first, because it seemed kind of racist, but now there is actual proof for it. The nose bleeds are happening in the order of arrival on the island. Charlotte was probably born there before Miles and Juliet arrived before any of the Losties. They're all going to start having nose bleeds eventually.
-They introduced a lot of new background music in this episode. Was I the only one that noticed that?
More thoughts later after I review the episode.
-How did Jin flash through time, but the freighter he was on did not? Could it be that because the freighter was man made it stayed behind? Why didn't the debris he was floating on stay back too? Was it because he was touching the debris? Is that why the guns from the past transferred too? Carlton, Damon, are you reading this?
-It was pretty obvious that Ben would be the one who hired the attorney. He has the best motive for doing so. I was shocked when Claire's mom opened the door to that hotel room, but that whole scene was put in there just to throw people off, I guess.
-Who did the guy that attacked Sayid work for? Probably Widmore, but we still have no proof that Widmore is trying to harm or capture the Oceanic Six. He may have had Sayid's wife killed, but we don't know why. Could there be a third faction involved? My feeling is that there is. Could this be why Sayid stopped working for Ben? Maybe he found out that the people he was killing had nothing to do with his wife's death.
-The boats that we see in the future are how the Oceanic Six and friends come back to the island. They fly back on Ajira Airlines and either crash near the island or do some sort of water landing. Why do they have two boats? Well, the plane probably had some crew members on it and possibly some other people. And you also have Ben and the Oceanic Six. Yes, I think Ben comes back to the island with the Oceanic Six. It would be a waste of his character if he didn't. Who was shooting at them? I don't know. I'll think about it.
-Miles is the baby that Dr. Chang is holding in the premiere. I did not like this theory at first, because it seemed kind of racist, but now there is actual proof for it. The nose bleeds are happening in the order of arrival on the island. Charlotte was probably born there before Miles and Juliet arrived before any of the Losties. They're all going to start having nose bleeds eventually.
-They introduced a lot of new background music in this episode. Was I the only one that noticed that?
More thoughts later after I review the episode.
Week 3 LOST Party Roster
Also this is the first time we streamed the party online at!
Also this is the first time we streamed the party online at!
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Random question
My mind draws a blank right now, but now that we have this time travel thing going on, does anyone know what would happen if a future self interacted with their past self?
For a half second, thinking about reasons why Charlotte might be all nosebleedafied, I thought that perhaps Elle was pregnant with a baby Char (but then I took a millisecond to realize that Charlotte was born in the 70's-early 80's according the information provided by Ben{as though we can trust that})
But that of course led me to the aforementioned question and what kind of repercussions it could have.
Also could this have something to do with why Ben can't go back to the Island after turning the Donkey Wheel?
It's out of left field I know, but I really needed a topic of some form to start contributing.
For a half second, thinking about reasons why Charlotte might be all nosebleedafied, I thought that perhaps Elle was pregnant with a baby Char (but then I took a millisecond to realize that Charlotte was born in the 70's-early 80's according the information provided by Ben{as though we can trust that})
But that of course led me to the aforementioned question and what kind of repercussions it could have.
Also could this have something to do with why Ben can't go back to the Island after turning the Donkey Wheel?
It's out of left field I know, but I really needed a topic of some form to start contributing.
Is Penny more important than we're thinking?
Was just thinking about this. To this point, we still don't know who her mother is. Nor have we actually seen her and Widmore together....ever. I don't think we've even seen them talk to each other. She had people stationed around the globe looking for the island (specifically an electromagnetic pulse). And if you remember, when she and Desmond talked to her while on the freighter, she was in her flat (not that impressive till you realize that she made it out and found them on the raft not more than a week later....from London to a point in the Pacific Ocean is pretty quick in that time frame). She at least knows more about whats going on then anybody (crash survivors and possibly her father) really realizes. I have a feeling she still has some part to play out in this yet (can't exactly tell what, but pretty sure she will). Any ideas, or not that big of a deal?
Does Charlotte Die?
Travis asked me this and I said "No" but I didn't elaborate. Since Kiersten and Coffelt pointed out that Charlotte said that she was looking for the place that she was born, and it was earlier stated that the new people(Daniel, Charlotte, the Asian Guy, and the Chick that Locke killed) where all there for a reason, I have a hard time thinking that they will kill her in the next few episodes unless there is some sort of major reveal as to her purpose for coming to the island. As of right now, there has been nothing.
Changed opinion after rewatch...
I just re-watched the episode and I think we are off track on some things....
First off there was a lot of talk about the relationship between Faraday and the woman in the hospital bed. We also had some thoughts about who 'Ellie' the British woman who walked Dan out to the h-bomb was, and her relation to everyone was. I'm gonna break it into two parts.
Teresa Spencer

This was the woman who we first saw in the photo from Dan's old lab. This is the same woman who is in the hospital bed when Des goes to find her. We had some theories that she might be Dan's half sister. I really think that this is wrong. I think the main reason we came to that conclusion is because of the conversation that Faraday has with Ellie on the Island. In the conversation that Des has with Teresa's sister she speaks of Dan not like a brother at all and she mentioned that their father had died five years ago. I suppose it is still possible that their moms are the same person but the more I think about it, it just seems to circumstantial. As for Ellie.

I am even more convinced that this is Dan's mom. The conversation that they have as they walk out to the bomb is about why Dan is looking at her funny and he says that she reminds him so someone "He used to know." This was the comment that made a bunch a people think, OH! she looks like the Teresa! She is gonna be her mom!
I think this is the wrong conclusion. I think he is using this line as a cover for "You look like my Mom, because you are." The "real Romeo" line that Ellie uses is more of a like, Ha! His mom thinks he is romantically interested in her.
As for Ellie being Ms. Hawking well. I'm totally convinced of that. Ms. Hawking knows about time travel, a lot. I think we can thank Dan for telling her that it exists in this episode. She is in LA, we know that because at the end of episode two she is talking to Ben who is also in LA. Dan's mom is also in LA (coincidence?). Finally when looking for this picture of Ms. Hawking I searched 'Hawking' on Lostpedia and it came up with the name 'Eloise Hawking'. Sorry if that is considered 'SPOILER' but it got me too. Okay well I hope some of this makes sense in some way and I look forward to seeing what you guys think.

First off there was a lot of talk about the relationship between Faraday and the woman in the hospital bed. We also had some thoughts about who 'Ellie' the British woman who walked Dan out to the h-bomb was, and her relation to everyone was. I'm gonna break it into two parts.
Teresa Spencer

This was the woman who we first saw in the photo from Dan's old lab. This is the same woman who is in the hospital bed when Des goes to find her. We had some theories that she might be Dan's half sister. I really think that this is wrong. I think the main reason we came to that conclusion is because of the conversation that Faraday has with Ellie on the Island. In the conversation that Des has with Teresa's sister she speaks of Dan not like a brother at all and she mentioned that their father had died five years ago. I suppose it is still possible that their moms are the same person but the more I think about it, it just seems to circumstantial. As for Ellie.

I am even more convinced that this is Dan's mom. The conversation that they have as they walk out to the bomb is about why Dan is looking at her funny and he says that she reminds him so someone "He used to know." This was the comment that made a bunch a people think, OH! she looks like the Teresa! She is gonna be her mom!
I think this is the wrong conclusion. I think he is using this line as a cover for "You look like my Mom, because you are." The "real Romeo" line that Ellie uses is more of a like, Ha! His mom thinks he is romantically interested in her.
As for Ellie being Ms. Hawking well. I'm totally convinced of that. Ms. Hawking knows about time travel, a lot. I think we can thank Dan for telling her that it exists in this episode. She is in LA, we know that because at the end of episode two she is talking to Ben who is also in LA. Dan's mom is also in LA (coincidence?). Finally when looking for this picture of Ms. Hawking I searched 'Hawking' on Lostpedia and it came up with the name 'Eloise Hawking'. Sorry if that is considered 'SPOILER' but it got me too. Okay well I hope some of this makes sense in some way and I look forward to seeing what you guys think.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Lost Thoughts Live?
So I just did some playing around online and found a site where I can host a live broadcast from my living room. I can also record the shows thus giving us the ability to both broadcast the watch party live as well as record our after episode discussion. I did a small test tonight and I think it could work out well. So let's put it to a vote. I'll throw up a poll and if everyone is down then next week's watch party could be online.
The Answer
I think the woman in the bed was the same woman that was on the island in the 1950's and held the gun to Faraday's head to get him to unarm the nuke. :)
My friends Vlog
Here is a vlog my home skillet Kiersten posted on youtube. I gave her the URL so she might be posting on the blog also
Watch it and post your comments. I've recently found that she is as much of a Lost nerd as us.
Jughead thoughts
Let me preface this with this: this episode was awesome. Finally, giving up answers that they've been promising to do for a while.
That said, I am not a huge fan of this new time travel element. It seems to open up some holes problems/holes that are kind of hard to explain. The best example I can come up with is this hydrogen bomb (which works a bit better than my Locke/Alpert one from last night). My problem is there had to be an original time to the story. The first time through time, the bomb had to be fine on its didn't blow up (or the island wouldn't have been there for DHARMA or our survivors) and it wasn't necessarily buried in concrete. However, later Faraday goes into the past and tells them what to do with it and from then on through history, it is buried. But if Faraday hadn't have gone back, would it still have been buried?.... would it possibly have blown up at some point? However, I do like the ability to see what happens in the islands past, which leads me to one of the biggest reveals yet....
Charlie is still alive!! Not really (and if it does end up being the same person, I'll be upset). The actual surprise is Widmore used to be in the island.
Now, I am assuming that Widmore was one of the "Hostiles" that were fighting with DHARMA. But he seems to blame Ben specifically for something; his exile from the island, his lack of being in charge. Whatever the case may be, it lead me to these rapid-fire possibilities:
-Ben got to the island in the 70's. The Purge was in the early 90's. Was Widmore still around for the purge? Probably not because he wouldn't have had time to build his company. But at what point did he leave?
-Penny seems to be around 30...could she have been born on the island? If so, who is her mother?
-Out there possibility: I agree with McG that there is a good shot that the girl with the gun could be both Ms Hawking and Faraday's mother, and that the lady in the coma is his sister. However, could there be more to the fact that Widmore is taking care or the sister?...perhaps that it is his daughter?....which would mean Faraday and Penny are (half)brother/sister (they did pick an actress that looks enough like Penny to work). Do I beleive this 100%: No. Is it completely out of the realm of possibility: Not at all.
-If Ms Hawking is indeed Faraday's mother, Widmore has no clue she is working with Ben....if he did, there is no way that he send Desmond (and Penny) straight that way. Ben has already said he's going to kill Penny.
Not as rapid as I thought. Last thing I found kind of interesting: Richard is old and everybody knows it and just accepts it. Still no reason on why or how he is so old, but Juliet just kind of shrugs it off.
Trailer for next week looks awesome, but thats a different discussion.
That said, I am not a huge fan of this new time travel element. It seems to open up some holes problems/holes that are kind of hard to explain. The best example I can come up with is this hydrogen bomb (which works a bit better than my Locke/Alpert one from last night). My problem is there had to be an original time to the story. The first time through time, the bomb had to be fine on its didn't blow up (or the island wouldn't have been there for DHARMA or our survivors) and it wasn't necessarily buried in concrete. However, later Faraday goes into the past and tells them what to do with it and from then on through history, it is buried. But if Faraday hadn't have gone back, would it still have been buried?.... would it possibly have blown up at some point? However, I do like the ability to see what happens in the islands past, which leads me to one of the biggest reveals yet....
Charlie is still alive!! Not really (and if it does end up being the same person, I'll be upset). The actual surprise is Widmore used to be in the island.
Now, I am assuming that Widmore was one of the "Hostiles" that were fighting with DHARMA. But he seems to blame Ben specifically for something; his exile from the island, his lack of being in charge. Whatever the case may be, it lead me to these rapid-fire possibilities:
-Ben got to the island in the 70's. The Purge was in the early 90's. Was Widmore still around for the purge? Probably not because he wouldn't have had time to build his company. But at what point did he leave?
-Penny seems to be around 30...could she have been born on the island? If so, who is her mother?
-Out there possibility: I agree with McG that there is a good shot that the girl with the gun could be both Ms Hawking and Faraday's mother, and that the lady in the coma is his sister. However, could there be more to the fact that Widmore is taking care or the sister?...perhaps that it is his daughter?....which would mean Faraday and Penny are (half)brother/sister (they did pick an actress that looks enough like Penny to work). Do I beleive this 100%: No. Is it completely out of the realm of possibility: Not at all.
-If Ms Hawking is indeed Faraday's mother, Widmore has no clue she is working with Ben....if he did, there is no way that he send Desmond (and Penny) straight that way. Ben has already said he's going to kill Penny.
Not as rapid as I thought. Last thing I found kind of interesting: Richard is old and everybody knows it and just accepts it. Still no reason on why or how he is so old, but Juliet just kind of shrugs it off.
Trailer for next week looks awesome, but thats a different discussion.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Finale Prediction
OK here is my prediction for how the show ends. I think it will be very well written and we are all going to be in all, but it will essentially boil down to a retelling of the Atlantis story. I don't think they will come out and say it's Atlantis because that is too corny, but I think they will say that they were an advance civilization who found great technologies and was to travel across space and time and extend life and because of all of this the surrounding civilizations tried to attack them which is why they moved the island and why they are very angry at outsiders.
Whether or not they say it I believe the island originated in the Mediterranean.
First most of the long term inhabitants are white or at least European.
Second the four toed foot first of all denotes a seperate race than normal humans and the Greek or Roman sandle on the statue further supports this island used to be in the Mediterranean.

Whether or not they say it I believe the island originated in the Mediterranean.
First most of the long term inhabitants are white or at least European.
Second the four toed foot first of all denotes a seperate race than normal humans and the Greek or Roman sandle on the statue further supports this island used to be in the Mediterranean.
I'm sure everyone(Travis) will have points of contention, so have at it.
First thoughts of S5E3 'Jughead'
First and foremost, this was a great episode.
It had all the stuff that I love about LOST.
First off we had a new set of people on the Island who we were not sure the identity of. I am still really loving the jumps in time and how it can be used as a device to reveal things about the history of the Island. There was of course the big reveal of the episode...
Widmore used to be on the Island back in the 50's. SO SWEET!
I was literally pacing the room and at the end of the scene everyone looks over to see me standing on the couch. What can I say, I like the show.
I love what that little tid-bit could mean for the history of the show and I can't wait for it to flesh out further. Then there was the whole H-Bomb thing. This was interesting, no question, but I think that it will mean a lot more when tied to something later in the season.
The last on Island thing was where Locke meets up with Alpert and tells him when he will be born. This of course ties in to past episodes where Alpert was making multiple attempts to get Locke on the Island.
As for the off Island stuff we were focused on Desmond's story the whole time. It was great to see that Penny and Des had a son and it was nice that they named him Charlie. Desmond's search for Faraday's mom helped him learn how involved Widmore had really been with his research and this connection also makes me question Dan's loyalty. I thought that the interaction between Charles and Des in the office showed a very different side of Widmore and I am still thinking Ms. Hawking (the white haired lady from the end of last week's episode) is Dan's mom.
I also think that the young woman who held the gun on Dan at the H-Bomb could also be Ms. Hawking. If both were true then it would mean that was his mom... Woah.
Okay I should quit before I am up all night. Looking forward to the other posts.
It had all the stuff that I love about LOST.
First off we had a new set of people on the Island who we were not sure the identity of. I am still really loving the jumps in time and how it can be used as a device to reveal things about the history of the Island. There was of course the big reveal of the episode...
Widmore used to be on the Island back in the 50's. SO SWEET!
I was literally pacing the room and at the end of the scene everyone looks over to see me standing on the couch. What can I say, I like the show.
I love what that little tid-bit could mean for the history of the show and I can't wait for it to flesh out further. Then there was the whole H-Bomb thing. This was interesting, no question, but I think that it will mean a lot more when tied to something later in the season.
The last on Island thing was where Locke meets up with Alpert and tells him when he will be born. This of course ties in to past episodes where Alpert was making multiple attempts to get Locke on the Island.
As for the off Island stuff we were focused on Desmond's story the whole time. It was great to see that Penny and Des had a son and it was nice that they named him Charlie. Desmond's search for Faraday's mom helped him learn how involved Widmore had really been with his research and this connection also makes me question Dan's loyalty. I thought that the interaction between Charles and Des in the office showed a very different side of Widmore and I am still thinking Ms. Hawking (the white haired lady from the end of last week's episode) is Dan's mom.
I also think that the young woman who held the gun on Dan at the H-Bomb could also be Ms. Hawking. If both were true then it would mean that was his mom... Woah.
Okay I should quit before I am up all night. Looking forward to the other posts.
Watch party post...
Watch party roster:
Dan (Ford)
John (Coffelt)
What a great episode. Possibly best of the season.
Currently discussing, let the posts begin.
Dan (Ford)
John (Coffelt)
What a great episode. Possibly best of the season.
Currently discussing, let the posts begin.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Lost Thoughts from Season 5 week 1
I moved the stuff from Facebook to here along with all the current comments. I'll post the rest of my weekly 'thoughts' here and we can all comment on here.
So I have watched the episodes a couple of times and here between watching the show and a few conversations I have a few thoughts...
Lets start at the very beginning (a very good place to start), The opening sequence of the episode. This is where we see Dr. Candle/Halliwax/Chan perform his morning routine and then go film a 'Hatch Video'. I think that when we were watching the episode live we were too wrapped up in the 'Who is it going to be?' question to think about some of what we were seeing. Upon a second viewing I realized that he was getting up to take care of a baby. A BABY! This means one of two things, either the good doctor and his wife just moved to the Island, or, and I think this is what we are really supposed to pull from the scene, that island baby making wasn't a problem before the rise of Dharma and the manipulation of time. I always figured that the same phenomenon that was keeping Richard Alpert young was preventing babies from being born. I think that time travel is the answer to both questions.
Most of the episode seemed rather straightforward to me. It was the confirmation of time travel on the Island, and with all the weird stuff we have already seen, time travel didn't shock me at all. I really like the way that it is being presented and it is giving one of my new favorite characters (Daniel Faraday) a chance to shine. Some people were saying that they didn't like all the time flashes that happened in the first episode but I think it was more of an introduction to how it worked then a pace for the rest of the season. So here are the time travel topics for discussion,
- Desmond, he's special. I don't know if the hatch explosion is what made him special or if he was beforehand but we do know that he's not new to moving through time. His conversation with Daniel created a new memory for Desmond and is what will bring him back to the Island. Which brings me to...
-I don't think Daniel is being very truthful with everyone. Obviously he knows more then he is letting on but I think he is has a reason for hiding what he knows.
-We are going to learn a lot about the history of the Island through these flashes, and I like that.
Man, I am starting to forget some of the stuff I wanted to say... hmmmm
Oh yeah, Locke is Dead. But is he totally dead, or only mostly dead? The way Ben is treating the situation, I'm not sure.
The peeps that shot the fire arrows at the end of episode two, well I like to think that they are the people who man the Arrow Station. Their job, as was explained at the beginning of the season, is to combat the indigenous people on the island. I think, they think our 815ers are those people.
If you are still reading this, good on you. I figure if I am getting tired of writing this, you are probably tired of reading it. I'm sure I have more to say but I am just getting distracted. So some final predictions....
Even though Ben is off the Island, he is still part of a network that is trying to keep the island away from Widmore.
Ms. Hawkings from the end of the episode is awesome and just might be Dan's mommy.
Ben will find a way to get everyone back to the Island... "he always has a plan"
Okay, I'm done. Leave a comment with any thoughts... I can't wait for next Wednesday.
John Coffelt at 11:26pm January 24
I think you're on the right track with the idea that the problem with pregnancies has to do with the manipulation of time.
Desmond was probably made special by the hatch explosion, because that was when he started having his issues with time. I noticed that he was the only person in the episode who saw the purple flash besides the time traveling Losties.
Daniel probably knows more about the dangers of what they're going through than he is letting on. It might even be possible to effect the future in some ways, but it is too dangerous and risky to try if you're not a physicist from Oxford.
The way Ben talked about Locke makes it sound like he might not be totally dead. It would be hard to swallow if he wasn't, but we'll see. I'd like to know why he has to die to bring everyone back.
Travis Menard at 11:29pm January 24
Yeah I can't wait to see what develops with Locke and his attempts to get off the island. Of all the guys who would never want to leave and now he has too.
John Coffelt at 11:32pm January 24
I don't know if I agree with you on the people in the Arrow station. It doesn't seem likely that they would actually use arrows. I think they're more likely part of that group that we see at the end of the episode and who knows who those people are.
Widmore doesn't really seem like that big of threat. It took him 20 years to find the island the first time. They could probably just wait for him to die after moving it now. It sounds like the bigger threat is whatever happens if they don't get everyone back. Ben is clearly part of some network, but his role in that network is something I'd like to find out. Ben should just get those darts that worked on Sayid and mail everyone back to the island.
It doesn't seem likely to me that Ms. Hawkings is Dan's mom. She'd have to be in two places at once.
It is going to be a good season.
John Coffelt at 12:14am January 25
Also, do you think Ms. Hawking was in a Dharma Station when we see her below that church? The computers looked similar to the ones Dharma uses and it had a hatch kind of vibe to it.
What do you think is in the box that Ben hides in the air vent?
I'm still trying to figure out what Dr. Chang was saying before he got cut off.
John Coffelt at 12:26am January 25
After watching that scene with Ms. Hawkings, there are indeed Dharma symbols on the binders by the computer. *Nerd Triumph signal*
John Coffelt at 12:35am January 25
And there is a Dharma Symbol clearly visible on the computer monitor when it zooms in on the "Event Window Determined". Looks like a lighthouse.
Matt Thompson at 1:32am January 25
Question......why do they not need to take Micheal/Walt back as well? Were they always supposed to get off the island? For that matter, what about Sun's baby...does she not need to go back either? Simple oversight or design?
Matt Thompson at 1:38am January 25
Edit to the above statement: Well......Micheal I guess you can consider being dead on the island. But my Walt thought still stands.
John Coffelt at 2:43am January 25
Maybe Walt does need to come back. Maybe not everyone does need to come back. Ben doesn't mention Aaron when talking about who needs to come back.
Ryan McGovern at 10:50am January 25
So are you saying that Locke is only kinda dead like in the Princess Bride? Will true love bring him back? Is Andre the Giant going to have to drag him around the rest of the season? So many questions.
John Coffelt at 11:37am January 25
Is that how the show is going to end? With us finding out that it was just Peter Falk reading a children's book to a young Fred Savage the entire time?
Ryan McGovern at 3:01pm January 25
OK hang on a second. The island has "moved" or has it? If all these people are jumping through time why are they at the location of the new island. Leading me to believe that the island did not actually go anywhere physically. While we are on the topic why did Ben shake that rabbit?
Travis Menard at 3:04pm January 25
Wow I will have to go back a look for that Dharma logo.
And yes, I believe that by the end of the season the O6 will take Locke to see Miracle Max, will make a coco covered pill and then shout, "Have fun storming the Island".
In regards to what Matt said, I'm not sure why Walt is not included. It could be that because he left before the rest of the group he is not needed. Or maybe they are already planning on taking him too. IDK. As for Aaron I think he does need to go back because he was there on the Island with the rest of the O6. Ji Yeon was born off the island and shouldn't need to go back.
As for the off Island stuff with Ben and Ms. Hawkings I think you are right on track Coffee. I noticed the old computer that she was working on and saw that it was just like the one in the swan. It is well known that Ben's reach extended beyond the Island but is he really at the top of the list? I think we will learn more about that soon. As for what is in the box... I don't know.
Ryan McGovern at 3:05pm January 25
Also if they jump to the time when Locke doesn't enter the numbers, will they enter them?
Matt Thompson at 3:08pm January 25
Well...isn't it obvious? Locke is in purgatory....and the yellow flash is the black smoke monster taking pictures of everyone (must be their special nano-bot technology). Why didn't we see this before?
Ryan McGovern at 3:09pm January 25
if Locke can't actually die I hope they turn him into Kenny from South Park and kill him every episode.
John Coffelt at 3:17pm January 25
I think the island is moving physically while some of the people on the island are moving through time. The danger is that if the island keeps moving, eventually it will crash right into the middle of Texas and that wouldn't be good for anyone.
John Coffelt at 3:17pm January 25
Besides the island needs to move to the North Pole for the LOST Season 6 Christmas special.
Matt Thompson at 3:21pm January 25
Being serious now, it kind of depends on what happens if they go back in time to a point where they were already there and that opens up 2 possibilities: 1) there are two of them all on the island at the same time (2 Sawyers, 2 Lockes, etc) or 2) They are taking the place of their past selves at that point in history.
If its option 1, I have no clue what would happen. Option 2 however seems much more likely and would cause more problems because some of the people are not there anymore (I'm assuming everyone that they are seeing in the past died on the island). We need to go back and see if any of the people who left did anything of great importance to the island and if them not doing it (again in the past) would mess up everything (if they aren't there to do it again, then Faraday's stream would have to change, causeing all sorts of chaos).
John Coffelt at 3:25pm January 25
I hope, for the sake of not confusing everyone with some weird time paradox, that they never visit a time when they were on the island. They were only there for about 4 months before the island moved, so it is possible that they would never land in that time period.
Ryan McGovern at 3:26pm January 25
I still have questions about the time travel moving through space and time because supposedly the island has moved in space to another location.
Travis Menard at 3:34pm January 25
I agree with Coffelt about the whole doppelganger paradox stuff... I just hope it doesn't happen.
I'm thinking of moving these to a blog off facebook so others could get involved. Thoughts?
p.s. Yo Gabba Gabba is on Noggin. Woot!
Matt Thompson at 3:46pm January 25
I was only introducing that possibility to explain why they have to go back. It seems reasonable...if they are preventing the stream from staying the same by their absence, that could lead Ms. Hawkings (aka Ms Creepy Time Lady) to say that they are all doomed (or whatever she said) if they don't go back.
Matt Thompson at 4:09pm January 25
oh...and go ahead and move this elsewhere if you feel like it. I have people from back home that I'll let know so they can check it too.
So I have watched the episodes a couple of times and here between watching the show and a few conversations I have a few thoughts...
Lets start at the very beginning (a very good place to start), The opening sequence of the episode. This is where we see Dr. Candle/Halliwax/Chan perform his morning routine and then go film a 'Hatch Video'. I think that when we were watching the episode live we were too wrapped up in the 'Who is it going to be?' question to think about some of what we were seeing. Upon a second viewing I realized that he was getting up to take care of a baby. A BABY! This means one of two things, either the good doctor and his wife just moved to the Island, or, and I think this is what we are really supposed to pull from the scene, that island baby making wasn't a problem before the rise of Dharma and the manipulation of time. I always figured that the same phenomenon that was keeping Richard Alpert young was preventing babies from being born. I think that time travel is the answer to both questions.
Most of the episode seemed rather straightforward to me. It was the confirmation of time travel on the Island, and with all the weird stuff we have already seen, time travel didn't shock me at all. I really like the way that it is being presented and it is giving one of my new favorite characters (Daniel Faraday) a chance to shine. Some people were saying that they didn't like all the time flashes that happened in the first episode but I think it was more of an introduction to how it worked then a pace for the rest of the season. So here are the time travel topics for discussion,
- Desmond, he's special. I don't know if the hatch explosion is what made him special or if he was beforehand but we do know that he's not new to moving through time. His conversation with Daniel created a new memory for Desmond and is what will bring him back to the Island. Which brings me to...
-I don't think Daniel is being very truthful with everyone. Obviously he knows more then he is letting on but I think he is has a reason for hiding what he knows.
-We are going to learn a lot about the history of the Island through these flashes, and I like that.
Man, I am starting to forget some of the stuff I wanted to say... hmmmm
Oh yeah, Locke is Dead. But is he totally dead, or only mostly dead? The way Ben is treating the situation, I'm not sure.
The peeps that shot the fire arrows at the end of episode two, well I like to think that they are the people who man the Arrow Station. Their job, as was explained at the beginning of the season, is to combat the indigenous people on the island. I think, they think our 815ers are those people.
If you are still reading this, good on you. I figure if I am getting tired of writing this, you are probably tired of reading it. I'm sure I have more to say but I am just getting distracted. So some final predictions....
Even though Ben is off the Island, he is still part of a network that is trying to keep the island away from Widmore.
Ms. Hawkings from the end of the episode is awesome and just might be Dan's mommy.
Ben will find a way to get everyone back to the Island... "he always has a plan"
Okay, I'm done. Leave a comment with any thoughts... I can't wait for next Wednesday.
John Coffelt at 11:26pm January 24
I think you're on the right track with the idea that the problem with pregnancies has to do with the manipulation of time.
Desmond was probably made special by the hatch explosion, because that was when he started having his issues with time. I noticed that he was the only person in the episode who saw the purple flash besides the time traveling Losties.
Daniel probably knows more about the dangers of what they're going through than he is letting on. It might even be possible to effect the future in some ways, but it is too dangerous and risky to try if you're not a physicist from Oxford.
The way Ben talked about Locke makes it sound like he might not be totally dead. It would be hard to swallow if he wasn't, but we'll see. I'd like to know why he has to die to bring everyone back.
Travis Menard at 11:29pm January 24
Yeah I can't wait to see what develops with Locke and his attempts to get off the island. Of all the guys who would never want to leave and now he has too.
John Coffelt at 11:32pm January 24
I don't know if I agree with you on the people in the Arrow station. It doesn't seem likely that they would actually use arrows. I think they're more likely part of that group that we see at the end of the episode and who knows who those people are.
Widmore doesn't really seem like that big of threat. It took him 20 years to find the island the first time. They could probably just wait for him to die after moving it now. It sounds like the bigger threat is whatever happens if they don't get everyone back. Ben is clearly part of some network, but his role in that network is something I'd like to find out. Ben should just get those darts that worked on Sayid and mail everyone back to the island.
It doesn't seem likely to me that Ms. Hawkings is Dan's mom. She'd have to be in two places at once.
It is going to be a good season.
John Coffelt at 12:14am January 25
Also, do you think Ms. Hawking was in a Dharma Station when we see her below that church? The computers looked similar to the ones Dharma uses and it had a hatch kind of vibe to it.
What do you think is in the box that Ben hides in the air vent?
I'm still trying to figure out what Dr. Chang was saying before he got cut off.
John Coffelt at 12:26am January 25
After watching that scene with Ms. Hawkings, there are indeed Dharma symbols on the binders by the computer. *Nerd Triumph signal*
John Coffelt at 12:35am January 25
And there is a Dharma Symbol clearly visible on the computer monitor when it zooms in on the "Event Window Determined". Looks like a lighthouse.
Matt Thompson at 1:32am January 25
Question......why do they not need to take Micheal/Walt back as well? Were they always supposed to get off the island? For that matter, what about Sun's baby...does she not need to go back either? Simple oversight or design?
Matt Thompson at 1:38am January 25
Edit to the above statement: Well......Micheal I guess you can consider being dead on the island. But my Walt thought still stands.
John Coffelt at 2:43am January 25
Maybe Walt does need to come back. Maybe not everyone does need to come back. Ben doesn't mention Aaron when talking about who needs to come back.
Ryan McGovern at 10:50am January 25
So are you saying that Locke is only kinda dead like in the Princess Bride? Will true love bring him back? Is Andre the Giant going to have to drag him around the rest of the season? So many questions.
John Coffelt at 11:37am January 25
Is that how the show is going to end? With us finding out that it was just Peter Falk reading a children's book to a young Fred Savage the entire time?
Ryan McGovern at 3:01pm January 25
OK hang on a second. The island has "moved" or has it? If all these people are jumping through time why are they at the location of the new island. Leading me to believe that the island did not actually go anywhere physically. While we are on the topic why did Ben shake that rabbit?
Travis Menard at 3:04pm January 25
Wow I will have to go back a look for that Dharma logo.
And yes, I believe that by the end of the season the O6 will take Locke to see Miracle Max, will make a coco covered pill and then shout, "Have fun storming the Island".
In regards to what Matt said, I'm not sure why Walt is not included. It could be that because he left before the rest of the group he is not needed. Or maybe they are already planning on taking him too. IDK. As for Aaron I think he does need to go back because he was there on the Island with the rest of the O6. Ji Yeon was born off the island and shouldn't need to go back.
As for the off Island stuff with Ben and Ms. Hawkings I think you are right on track Coffee. I noticed the old computer that she was working on and saw that it was just like the one in the swan. It is well known that Ben's reach extended beyond the Island but is he really at the top of the list? I think we will learn more about that soon. As for what is in the box... I don't know.
Ryan McGovern at 3:05pm January 25
Also if they jump to the time when Locke doesn't enter the numbers, will they enter them?
Matt Thompson at 3:08pm January 25
Well...isn't it obvious? Locke is in purgatory....and the yellow flash is the black smoke monster taking pictures of everyone (must be their special nano-bot technology). Why didn't we see this before?
Ryan McGovern at 3:09pm January 25
if Locke can't actually die I hope they turn him into Kenny from South Park and kill him every episode.
John Coffelt at 3:17pm January 25
I think the island is moving physically while some of the people on the island are moving through time. The danger is that if the island keeps moving, eventually it will crash right into the middle of Texas and that wouldn't be good for anyone.
John Coffelt at 3:17pm January 25
Besides the island needs to move to the North Pole for the LOST Season 6 Christmas special.
Matt Thompson at 3:21pm January 25
Being serious now, it kind of depends on what happens if they go back in time to a point where they were already there and that opens up 2 possibilities: 1) there are two of them all on the island at the same time (2 Sawyers, 2 Lockes, etc) or 2) They are taking the place of their past selves at that point in history.
If its option 1, I have no clue what would happen. Option 2 however seems much more likely and would cause more problems because some of the people are not there anymore (I'm assuming everyone that they are seeing in the past died on the island). We need to go back and see if any of the people who left did anything of great importance to the island and if them not doing it (again in the past) would mess up everything (if they aren't there to do it again, then Faraday's stream would have to change, causeing all sorts of chaos).
John Coffelt at 3:25pm January 25
I hope, for the sake of not confusing everyone with some weird time paradox, that they never visit a time when they were on the island. They were only there for about 4 months before the island moved, so it is possible that they would never land in that time period.
Ryan McGovern at 3:26pm January 25
I still have questions about the time travel moving through space and time because supposedly the island has moved in space to another location.
Travis Menard at 3:34pm January 25
I agree with Coffelt about the whole doppelganger paradox stuff... I just hope it doesn't happen.
I'm thinking of moving these to a blog off facebook so others could get involved. Thoughts?
p.s. Yo Gabba Gabba is on Noggin. Woot!
Matt Thompson at 3:46pm January 25
I was only introducing that possibility to explain why they have to go back. It seems reasonable...if they are preventing the stream from staying the same by their absence, that could lead Ms. Hawkings (aka Ms Creepy Time Lady) to say that they are all doomed (or whatever she said) if they don't go back.
Matt Thompson at 4:09pm January 25
oh...and go ahead and move this elsewhere if you feel like it. I have people from back home that I'll let know so they can check it too.
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