Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Biggest Cliff-hanger Ever?

We all know what I'm talking about. Sayid and Ben. Here's questions and my thoughts on it:

Is Ben Dead? I think he's dead like Locke and Christian are dead. Not 100% sure the shot was "fatal" but I don't think he's gone gone.

Did Sayid prove Faraday wrong and change history? Again can't say anything for sure. If Ben is really dead, then could that explain the state of DHARMA-ville when Sun goes there? Is this why Ben is still knocked out of it in the future (as in the past changed so at the point Sayid shot him, time was changed and he dropped in the future).

What the heck is Sayid going to do now? Is he going to go chill with the Hostiles? Him being there could explain why they left the SWAN alone.

I'm sure there are more that I'm missing. Thought I'd throw something out there to get some talking going....this was by far one of my favorites of this season.


  1. I'm glad to have seen this episode, if anything to see why Sayid was so mad at Ben. We knew Ben used him, but I needed to see it to be satisfied.

    Lil' Ben may have died or may not have...

    either way, it's either a huge change in the future, or it's a minor change.

    If he did die, I don't foresee his death being a Locke/Christian death, he was killed on the Island... not brought to it as a corpse, as is the case with Locke/Christian. So far only Hurley sees the people that were killed on the Island.

    Regardless, assuming Ben survives, it lends credence to Old Ben telling Sayid that he is a killer. Shooting an innocent kid is pretty killerific

    3 years on a tropical Island, with storms and bad weather PLUS nobody to take care of Dharma-ville is enough to put it into that level of disarray. What this means though is that the Others and Survivors (Rose/Bernard and such) haven't gone back to it and are presumably chillin at the Temple.

  2. That last paragraph was a separate point btw. About the dilapidation of future Dharmaville

  3. I don't think Ben is dead. Him dying would create a huge paradox in my opinion. If little Ben had died at that point, Sayid never would have returned to the island in the first place and thus Ben would still be alive. It would be much easier on everyone to just have Ben survive. It doesn't even weaken the ending if Ben lives. It is still a powerful character moment for both Sayid and Ben. It explains a lot about Ben and Sayid's interactions over the course of the show.

    I also think that Faraday is telling the truth about the rules of time travel. The producers knew that time travel would be confusing, so they used Faraday as a reliable narrator to convey the rules of time travel to the audience as a way to dispel some of that confusion. To just throw that all out at the drop of the hat would only weaken the story, because then anything would be possible.

  4. John and I think very similarly.

    Whatever happened, happened.
